General Findings
John Green did a detailed study, completed in June, 1976, that comprised 1,350 sasquatch reports. The general findings were that a sasquatch is a creature that walks or runs on two legs, is covered with hair, is of heavy build, and stands either erect or slightly stooped.
Comparing the build
of the creature to an average man, most called it very heavy, or heavy. Only two were thin
and none very thin.
Posture was usually erect or slightly stooped. No other posture was indicated more than three times. So we are dealing with something that is of heavy build, and that stands either erect or with a slight stoop.
Hair was said to be short or medium rather than long. It was almost always straight, but was unkempt as often as it was smooth. Places apparently without hair were the face and around the eyes. Longer hair was noticed on the head, arms and shoulders, midriff and legs. In other words the hair was generally straight and of short or medium length, but might be messy or neat.
Skin color was usually dark but sometimes light. Long canine teeth were seldom reported and ears even less. Ears were often noted to be covered by the hair. Necks were short or non-existent. Shoulders were wide but might be sloped or square. Foreheads might be low or high but never straight or bulging, just sloped back and there was usually a heavy brow ridge or a small one. No one described seeing a creature that did not have a brow ridge.
Faces were flat and had large flat noses. There were no large prominent noses. Lips were thin or medium seldom full, and mouths were more often large than small.
Torsos seen from the front were often wide seldom narrow; and from the side even more so. Legs in proportion to general build, were usually heavy but of medium length or long. Arms were of mid-thigh length or down to or below the knee, seldom short. Hands were never pawlike, and never had claws. The arms were seen swinging far more often than hanging.
When first seen most of the creatures were staying still or walking. When they left, there were almost as many that ran as walked. Whether walking or running they almost always took long steps. Of 72 that appeared to notice the observer, 20 fled, 14 approached closer, 22 watched the observer and 11 avoided him. None attacked.