The Himalayan yeti, or abominable snowman as it is more commonly called, is one of the more dangerous species of yeti. Their fur is white, to blend in with the snow, and they are about 7-10 feet tall. Greg Wilson, ran into one of those while hunting with his partner Dr. Munro. The only way we have seen anyone escape is if they have a "decoy." Their hides are rather tough, so they are harder to kill. Also, because they are tough, they are worth more. If you see one of these, look out, they are very dangerous.
Things on the Yeti
Details Of the Yeti
Yetis ---- Nepals' Yetis
Amphibious Yetis
American Yetis
Desert Yetis
Domestic Yetis
Flying Yetis
Subterranean Yetis
Tree Yetis